Basic Example

Basic Example

Our example is using the example Domain and Selector classes setup in the previous examples.

Interface Class

Before we can build the main service class we must setup the interface class.

/* ICommunityPortalService.cls */
public interface ICommunityPortalService {
  List<PortalUser__c> getAllPortalUsers();
  Boolean isUserLoggedIn(String portalUserSsoId);

Service Class

The service class is built purely of methods, no boilerplate code is needed.

public inherited sharing class CommunityPortalService implements ICommunityPortalService {
  // example usage via a Selector Class
  public List<PortalUser__c> getAllPortalUsers() {
    IPortalUserSelector selector = (IPortalUserSelector)Application.Selector.newInstance(
    return selector.selectAll();
  // example usage via a Domain Class
  public Boolean isUserLoggedIn(String userId) {
    IPortalUsers iPortalUsers = (IPortalUsers) Application.Domain.newInstance(
      new Set<Id>{userId}
    Map<String, Boolean> validatedUsersBySsoId = iPortalUsers.validateUserSso();
    return validatedUsersBySsoId.get(userId);

Custom Metadata Records

Before we an use our flashly new Service class, we need to setup the Application Factory Service Binding. This can be accessed from within your Salesforce instance via:

Setup → Custom Metadata Types → ApplicationFactory_ServiceBinding → New.

ApplicationFactory_ServiceBinding NameCommunityPortalService
Binding InterfaceICommunityPortalService

Basic Usage

ICommunityPortalService communityPortalService = (ICommunityPortalService) Application.Service.newInstance(
// example usage via a Selector class
List<PortalUser__c> allPortalUsers = communityPortalService.getAllPortalUsers();
// example usage via a Domain Class
Boolean isUserLoggedIn = communityPortalService.isUserLoggedIn(UserInfo.getUserId());